Preschool in Winter Garden, FL 34787
S.H.I.N.E. – Share His Incredible News Everywhere!
Goals -
The education and loving care of the whole child is our main goal. To obtain this goal we need the trust and support of our families and the community. We will plan seminars workshops as well as parent-teacher conferences for our families. Our facility can also be shared for community events. We want the community to see Zion New Life Child Development Center as a vital part on the life of our families and the community as we share our caring Christ.
Additional Services:
Full Day Half Day Before School After School
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As a new school we have examined many curricula for a developmentally appropriate program. We have chosen to use Saxon math and Math Their Way which are very strong in hands-on fundamentals for each age group. We have chosen SRA Imagine It and the new revision of Open Court for our reading and phonics. Science and social studies are hands-on activities. We operate with centers and individual and group time. We are rich in music and song. Religion of course is taught and shown through example in all we do and say. Chapel will be on Wednesdays in the Sanctuary and you are always welcome.
Promoting good self-esteem is also a part of our curriculum. Every child is encouraged daily to share in front of the other children in the class. Friday is show-and-tell day for all children. They may bring ONE item to share at that time.
You will be asked to have your child sing with his/her classmates in worship on at least four Sundays and at graduation/Praise Service at the end of the year. We believe this also promotes good self-esteem.